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Weekly Reports

Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
On Ukrainian grain market a significant barley price rise is noted, due to export trade activation. Maize price growth stopped, owing to exports’ further prospects being not clear. Food wheat and rye prices didn’t change.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Sunflower
This week at Ukrainian domestic market a stable price situation was noted. CPT-plant average prices ranged within UAH1220–1250/t, elevators’ prices amounted to UAH1180–1270/t. At the beginning of the week producers rose their sale prices in order to withstand market competition.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
There hadn’t been any substantial price fluctuations at the Ukrainian grain market last week. Wheat prices’ growth has stopped due to rise in supply. Adoption of the draft law foreseeing a number of privileges in VAT payments for grains’ importers has played a major role in market prices’ stabilizing.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Sunflower
At the Ukrainian sunoil market last week a lowering price trend was prevailing, mainly due to domestic sunseeds’ supply growing as well as to sunseeds’ poor quality in some regions.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
Within last week Russian and Kazakhstan food wheat prices continued rising. Kazakhstan grain still remains more competitive in comparison to Russian.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Sunflower
Sunseeds’ crop harvesting is going on in Ukraine. As of Sep 08, sunseeds in Ukraine are harvested at 206.300ha, resulting 279.000t sunsseds with average productivity 1.35 t/ha.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
Russian and Kazakhstan grain supplies’ present situation remains unclear. On one hand, import grain prices continue rising, on the other hand, there are administrative restrictions upon grain and flour prices at domestic market.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Milk
Milk processors are satisfied with raw materials in the majority of regions of Ukraine. The favourable weather conditions allow agricultural producers keep stable level of milk yield. Though its total production falls in comparison with the same parameter of last year. According to the data of State Committee of Statistics all categories of enterprises produced 8,294 ths MT of milk in January-July 2003, that is 3.9% less, than in the corresponding period of the last year.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Sunflower
There weren’t any substantial changes at the Ukrainian sunflower market this week. Processors purchasing activity is practically stopped.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
As of August 12, in Ukraine grain-crops are mown on 81% of the areas, threshed are 75% of the areas. Threshed grain amounts 10,7mt. Early-maturing grain-crops’ harvesting is completed in the Odessa region. Most grain is harvested in the Kyiv region - 834.600t, in the Khmelnitskiy region – 675.100t and in the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea – 659t. In the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea, the Volyn region and the Zakarpatska regions 95-96% of grain-crops’ areas are mown and threshed.

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