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Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
Presently the purchases of the imported grain are practically absent on the Ukrainian market. The sale offers aren’t numerous, either. The Ukrainian grain operators are obliged to stop their import operations in connection with the beginning of the new grain crops’ harvesting. There are, still, some separate offers of the wheat supply from Kazakhstan and Russia, yet the prices of theses offers are rather dubious, that is, rather high.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Sunflower
The sunflower sales in Ukraine have been going on rather slack this week, owning to the very little volumes of the sunflower seeds’ supply. There hadn’t been noted any substantial price changes on the market. A very small number of companies have been engaged this week in the sunflower seeds purchasing.
Market review. Grains and grain products
The number of the Russian food wheat supplies is gradually decreasing. The Russian traders begin already to offer the prices for the wheat of the new harvest. The Ukrainian importers bring in mainly the Kazakhstan is food wheat at price 115-120 USD/ton. The volumes of the flour deliveries are gradually decreasing as the flour prices are increasing in Russia.
New Price Formation Factors in the Grain Market
After the recent investigations in the grain market, it has become obvious that Ukraine has no civilized market regulation in place. The inquiry launched by the Office of Prosecutor General has reached the stage when a criminal case has been opened against every one out of six chairmen of agricultural enterprises.
SIMA-2003 – the Crossroads of European Agribusiness
One of the largest French exposition centers PARIS-NORD, which is located not far from Paris, hosted one of the largest European agricultural exhibitions SIMA - SIMAGENA 2003 in the period of February 23-27 of the current year. The organizers noted continuous interest in the event. This year, the number of visitors has reached 187000, which is considerably higher than in the previous year.
Grain. Ukrainian Market
The exporters have augmented the level of the procurement prices after increase of the prices by some processors. The basic reason of increase is a shortage of the offer at the market. There is especially the shortage of the offers under the price, which would be acceptable for the buyers.
Oilseeds. Ukraine Market
During the week there were rather low prices in comparison with the previous month at the ukrainian market of sunseed. The companies, which are involved in purchasing of sunseed, have lowered the procurement prices down to 1010-1040 UAH/MT EXW (189-195 USD/MT). Such situation has developed owing to fall of the prices of sunflower oil and sunflower meal. Also a lot of enterprises did not yet begin purchase of sunflower seed because they had begun to work just at the weekend.
Grain. Ukrainian Market
It is clear, that it is not possible to speak about changes at the grain market up to the end of New Year's holidays. It would be better to notice the basic events, which took place during the last days of the last year and which will
Sunflower. Ukrainian Market
The ukrainian market gradually begins to come into usual channel, though at this week the special revival did not occur because of holidays. It is necessary to tell, that many operators of the market have not reinstated purchasing activity yet at the market of sunflower.
Grain Products. Ukrainian Internal Market
During the last week the export market of grain differed by stability. Majority of the exporters worked under the prices, which were established at the previous week. But processors increased the procurement prices. And now there are not bid prices of 3rd grade wheat lower than 500 UAH/MT (ÑÐÒ). The release prices of flour continue to increase.

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