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Weekly Reports

Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
There was a sharp feed maize prices’ rise last week, with prices growing by UAH100-120. Feed barley prices were growing up as well, yet not so rapidly. Food grains’ prices started to slope up gradually. Significant purchase prices’ rise was noticed only in some regions.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Sunflower
Within last week Ukrainian domestic market sunseeds’ prices were growing up. Sunseeds’ average domestic supply prices amounted to UAH1220–1270/t (ex elevator). Sunseeds’ prices growth was preconditioned by sunseeds’ supply being relatively low, as well as by active demand on part of exporters and by majority of big sunseeds’ processors intending to load their capacities 100% within this season.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
After a period of growth within first Jan working weeks, Ukrainian market grains’ prices have stabilized. Buckwheat prices, however, have lowered down, due to grain export stoppage.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Milk
2003 year is over. It was quite good for the majority of the Ukrainian operators of the dairy market. At least it was better than previous year. The prices for milk and milk products were much above and the volumes of production of the majority of milk products have grown.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Sunflower
There haven’t been any substantial domestic market sunseeds’ price changes in Ukraine last week. Processors practically haven’t changed sunseeds’ purchase prices, which averagely amounted to UAH1100-1160/t (ÑÐÒ).
Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
A sharp activity decline is noted on Ukrainian market. Majority of enterprises and companies have stopped active purchasing, while companies which continue functioning have started to low down purchase prices, hoping to make use of current situation and to play on absence of competition. Grain import has started to decline as well, yet Dec grain import is most probable to be within 550.000–600.000t.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Milk
The season of cattle pasture has completed. Consequently, milk offer sharply reduced in November. However, according to the official statistics, the process of milk output reduction suspended. Milk production reached 12,067 ths. MT in January — October 2003 that is only 3.6% less, than for the corresponding period of the last year.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Sunflower
This week Ukrainian sunseeds’ market prices have slightly strengthened, averagely ranging within UAH1100–1160/t (CPT-oil extracting plant or EXW-elevator). Sunseeds’ further price growth is restricted by sunoil prices’ fall as well as VAT problem remaining unclear. Last year similar period Ukrainian sunseeds’ prices were UAH1120–1180/t (CPT-oil extraction plant).
Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
Last week food wheat prices’ have stabilized, after a period of growth. Feed grains’ prices started declining due to exporters’ having postponed purchases. Flour selling prices remain as previous.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Sunflower
There weren’t any substantial price changes on the Ukrainian sunseeds’ market this week: processors bid UAH1220–1250/t (CPT-plant in reception weight) for sunseeds, while demand prices on part of companies which purchased sunseeds on elevators were about the same.

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