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Ukraine celebrated the Organic Day together with the EU for the third time at the conference "Organic Day in Ukraine"

On September 23, 2024 Ukraine celebrated the Organic Day together with the EU for the third time at the conference "Organic Day in Ukraine", where more than 250 representatives of the organic sector of Ukraine gathered in a hybrid format.
The topics of the event were: analysis of the current state of the organic market, trends in the development of the organic market in the face of war, the implementation of national organic marking in Ukraine and the experience of implementing marking in other countries. The results of the study of the market of organic products in Ukraine (domestic market and export, 2023 - 2024) were presented ). The TOP 10 organic brands of 2024 were also introduced.
Vitaly Koval, Minister of Міністерство аграрної політики та продовольства України congratulated representatives of the organic sector on Organic Day, expressed his wish that the organic sector of Ukraine, which to date is the TOP5 supplier of organic products in the EU, become the No. 1 supplier. The minister stressed that there are all prerequisites for this, and above all, significant land areas, desires and experience of market players.
Minister Vitaly Koval called the next important task of the sector the development of deep processing of organic products and export of value-added products primarily.
Mr. Minister also paid great attention in his speech to the topic of the development of the domestic market for consumption of organic products, which has declined significantly in recent years in terms of monetary expression and the number of consumers.
Minister Vitaliy Koval urged participants of the organic event by all possible ways to engage in consumption of products from Ukraine 7 million. Ukrainians who left abroad with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, and about 40 million. people who live in different countries of the world and consider themselves Ukrainians. The idea that Mr. Minister urged to actively develop is to contribute to the formation of the culture of consumption of Ukrainians abroad according to the slogan "Buy Ukrainian!"


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