Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing Mr. Hennadii Zubko, Ambassador of Japan to Ukraine Mr. Shigeki Sumi, EBRD President Sir Suma Chakrabarti, Chairman of Nuclear Safety Account ⃰ (NSA) Assembly & representative of the European Commission Mr. Adriaan van der Meer will have a joint press briefing on the results NSA pledging conference.
The briefing will take place on Monday, 25th April 2016 at 17:30 Venue: Intercontinental hotel Kiev (2a Velyka Zhytomyrska St.), Golden Gate hall
Please confirm your participation by 11:00 on Monday, 25th April 2016
⃰ The Nuclear Safety Account was established at the EBRD in 1993 as the Bank’s first fund to address nuclear safety issues related to Soviet-type reactors. In Chernobyl the NSA is responsible for funding the Interim Storage Facility 2 (ISF-2).