Within reporting week prices on Ukrainian domestic/export dairy products’ markets continued declining (with export market prices’ decline being deeper). As of this week, Ukrainian producers were boosting up their dairy products’ output (due to seasonality factor) — but faced serious difficulties in selling on domestic/export markets as traders continued lowering their export market prices (due to global market surplus) and Ukrainian domestic market purchasers, as earlier, kept waiting for seasonal decline of dairy products’ prices. However, at same time, within this week Ukrainian producers continued selling significant dairy products’ lots to Crimea (what has somewhat slackened domestic market dairy products’ excessive offer pressure). However, even despite that, Ukrainian producers as earlier considered export market sales to be a priority area. Within reporting week Ukrainian domestic market SMP prices ranged within UAH47–50,5 per kg (unchanged as of last week/down 2.18% as of last month similar); export market SMP prices have declined to US$1,600–1,750 per MT (down 1.47% as of last week/down 8.84% as of last month similar). Experts admit Ukrainian export market SMP prices have declined mainly due to global market pressure. At same time, experts say Ukrainian domestic market SMP prices have remained unchanged as they were prevented from lowing by producers having had earlier concluded big lots’ export contracts. It is to be admitted, within this week Ukrainian producers have grown their WMP offer — what, together with global market WMP prices’ lowing, has pressed down Ukrainian export market WMP prices. As of this week, Ukrainian domestic market WMP prices were UAH53–57 per kg (unchanged against previous week); export market WMP prices, however, have lowed to US$2,500–2,650 per MT (down 0.96% against previous week). Within reporting week Ukrainian domestic market block butter (72.5% fat, DSTU) prices ranged within UAH48–52 per kg (unchanged against previous week/down 4.08% against last month similar). At same time, this week Ukrainian export market block butter (72.5% fat, DSTU) prices were US$2,450–2,550 per MT (same as within previous week/down 2.58% against previous week). Within reporting week Ukrainian domestic market butter demand remained low; producers’ unsold reserves continued growing up. As of this week, Ukrainian butter export market competition continued strengthening. Within reporting week Ukrainian domestic market cheese prices ranged within UAH68–76 per kg (same as within previous week/up 1.41% as of previous month similar); export market prices were US$3,400–4,000 per MT (unchanged against previous week/down 2.63% against last month similar). Experts admit within this week Ukrainian domestic market cheese sales remained slack due to our country population paying capacity being low. However, at same time, Ukrainian cheese output continued growing due to seasonality factor. In meanwhile, within this week Ukrainian export market cheese sales were lowering due to constant prices’ decline on EU countries’ domestic markets. As of this week, Ukrainian domestic market casein prices ranged within UAH120–125 per kg (down 1.21% against previous week/up 1.87% against last month similar); export market prices have declined to US$5,000–5,400 per MT (down 4.59% as of previous week/down 10.34% as of previous month similar). Experts admit within this week Ukrainian domestic/export markets’ casein offer has got strengthened mainly due to Belarus domestic market prices’ decline and EU countries’ demand slackening. Simultaneously, within reporting week Ukrainian domestic market demineralized whey prices have lowed to UAH13,50–15,00 per kg (down 5.00% against previous week/down 15.87% against last month similar); export market prices have slackened to US$500–580 per MT (down 3.57% as of last week/down 15.29% as of last month similar). This week Ukrainian domestic market classic whey prices have lowed to UAH12,00–13,00 per kg (down 3.85% against previous week/down 15.11% against last month similar); export market prices have slackened to US$440–490 per MT (down 2.11% as of last week/down 16.74% as of last month similar). Within reporting week whey prices on Ukrainian domestic/export markets have declined mainly due to whey prices’ slackening on EU countries/Belarus domestic markets. In meanwhile, within reporting week Ukrainian inner market GOST canned milk prices have grown against previous week — up to UAH11,8–14,1 per can (380 gr).