As of this week, Ukrainian domestic sunseeds market has strengthened.
Within reporting week domestic market EXW basis sunseeds purchase prices ranged within UAH4,6004,800 per MT (for middlemen) and UAH4,9005,050 per MT (for agricultural producers).
Within this week CPT basis sunseeds purchase prices fluctuated within UAH4,9505,100 per MT (for agricultural producers) and UAH4,6504,850 per MT (for middlemen), depending on sunseeds quality/shipment region.
Within reporting week Ukrainian sunseeds export prices ranged within US$620630 per MT (FOB Black Sea ports, depending on sunseeds quality).
Within reporting week Ukrainian crude sunoil market prices have slightly declined against previous week.
As of this week, Ukrainian crude sunoil export demand price equaled to US$1,295 per MT
(Apr 2011 shipments, FOB Black Sea ports); export offer prices ranged within US$1,3201,330 per MT (Apr 2011 shipments, FOB Black Sea ports).
Within reporting week Ukrainian crude sunoil market remained stable; as of this week, producers declared UAH10,85010,950 per MT (EXW) crude sunoil domestic sale prices.
Within this week Ukrainian sun.pell market remained stable.
As of this week, DAF Belarus basis export prices ranged within US$230235 per MT (DAF Poland US$225235 per MT).
This week FOB Black Sea ports basis sun.pell export prices fluctuated within US$210220 per MT.
As of this week, Ukrainian domestic market sun.pell prices ranged within UAH2,0502,200 per MT; sunseeds meal prices fluctuated within UAH1,9002,200 per MT (depending on quality/shipment region).
Within reporting week rape prices remained stable.
As of this week, rape prices were declarative: UAH4,9005,000 per MT (CPT), depending on quality/shipment region.
Within this week Ukrainian soybeans market remained stable.
This week domestic market soybeans prices fluctuated within UAH4,0004,150 per MT, EXW/ UAH4,0004,200 per MT, CPT.
Within reporting week home market soy.pell prices ranged within UAH5,1005,350 per MT (soyoil UAH9,50010,000 per MT, soybeans meal UAH4,2004,400 per MT).