IV All-Ukrainian Conference with International Participation
Radisson SAS, Kyiv, Ukraine, November 29-30, 2007
November 29
8:30-9:45 — Participants’ registration
9:00-10:00 — Morning coffee
10:00 — Conference opening
Organizers’ greeting
Sponsors’ greeting
Media-partners’ greeting
Session 1. Global and Ukrainian dairy products industries
10.20 - 10.50
1.1. Main tendencies of global dairy products’ market (Jim BÅGG, World Dairy Federation, President)
10.50 - 11.20
1.2. Is there any problem of milk/dairy products deficit on global market ? (Erhard RICHARTS, ZMP, leading analyst)
11.10 - 11.40
1.3. Ukrainian dairy industry: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Achievements and problems.
(Vadym CHAGAROVSKIY, Union of Ukrainian Dairy Companies, Supervisory Council Chief)
11.40. - 12.00
1.4. State policy of market regulation. Plans of dairy industry support within 2008. (DmytroMYKYTIUK,MinistryofAgrarianPolicy, ChiefofStockbreedingMarkets’ Department)
12:00-12:30 — Business-coffee
12.30 -12.50
1.5. Ukrainian dairy industry. Problems of dialogue between milk and dairy products’ producers (Leonid Kozachenko, Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, President)
1.6. Russian dairy products’ market: progress and problems (Vladimir LABINOV, Russian Dairy Union, Executive Director)
1.7. Byelorussian dairy products’ market. Byelorussian Universal Commodity Exchange (BUCE) activity and influence on market. (Nickolay PAPEKA, Byelorussian Universal Commodity Exchange, Deputy Chief of Agricultural Products’ Tenders).
Questions-answers. Discussion.
13:30-14:30 — Business-coffee
Session 2. Specifics of dairy farming development as main source of dairy industry resources’ supply
2.1. State of Ukrainian dairy farming: achievements and problems (Yevghen RUDENKO, Institute of Animal Science of UAAS, Director)
2.2. Development strategy of agricultural dairy companies (Yevghen OSIPOV, CJSC Industrial Dairy Company, Director)
2.3. Up-to-date equipment for modern dairy farms (Vitaliy MERDUKH, ÀÌÀÊÎ Ukraine, Dairy Farms’ Equipment Project Manager)
2.4. Ukrainian milk purchases’ system: prices; specifics of milk purchases from population; prospects of agricultural companies’ coming into dairy processing companies’ structure
(Agrarian Market Development Institute)
16:30 — Summing up of results
17:00-21:00 — Ceremonial reception
November 30
9:00-10:00 — Morning coffee
10:00 — Opening of Conference’s 2-nd day
Session 3. Ready dairy products’ markets, competition toughening
3.1. Successes and failures of Ukrainian dairy processing industry (Vasyl Bondarenko, Ukrainian National Dairy Industry Workers’ Association Ukrmolprod, President)
3.2. Influence of State purchases on dairy products’ markets (Oleksandr KULAK, State Committee for Material Reserves (State Reserve), Chief of Administration for Price Formation and Legal Support of Material Values’ Purchases and Sales Procedures)
3.3. State of Ukrainian 2007 dairy products’ external trade (Anton POREMBSKIY, Derzhzovnishinform, Chief of Agrarian-Industrial Complex’s Department)
3.4. Dairy products’ successful positioning on Ukrainian market under conditions of competition toughening (Serghiy GLUSHCHENKO, Yuriya (Trade Mark Voloshkove Pole), Director)
11:50-12:20 — Business-coffee
3.5. Successful introduction of baby dairy brands into Ukrainian market (Olena Yeremenko, Nestle Ukraine, Chief of Special Foods’ Department)
3.6. Packaging as instrument of efficient marketing: group packaging
(Yuriy MATUSEVICH, IWKA PACKAGING/Oystar, Sales Director of Dairy/Food Industry Department)
13:10-14:10 — Business-coffee
Session 4. Necessity of dairy companies’ updating and technical reequipment
4.1. Dairy industry projects and their turnkey realization (Wouter BOOM, ImtechProjectsNoordOostb.v. (Netherlands), Manager)
4.2. Innovative technologies of dairy products’ packaging (Yuriy MATUSEVICH, IWKA PACKAGING/Oystar, Sales Director of Dairy/Food Industry Department)
4.3. High-tech equipment for economical/technological milk processing
(Andriy SYTNIKOV, Eko Kom, Commercial Director)
15.40 — Summing up of Conference’s results
Archive 2006
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