IV All-Ukrainian Conference with International Participation DAIRY WORLD – 2007 |
Center Derzhzovnishinform and Consulting Company Agrarika Ltd, organizers of the Conference DAIRY WORLD – 2007, are certain that the next meeting of the dairy business professionals, which is to take place within this year autumn in Kyiv, will be still more interesting and useful than all previous ones. As of now, all segments of the Ukrainian dairy products’ market demonstrate stable growth and development. Interests of foreign companies, which are ready to put money into Ukrainian cheese, butter and casein markets, are getting keener each day, each hour, each minute as Ukraine approaches WTO joining.
Transnational business and international corporations acquire both liquid and promising companies and at the same time quite attentively examine all dairy market’s segments and participants.
Territorial borders between separate countries’ markets are gradually disappearing withUkrainian internal dairy products’ market being the best prove of it.
Competition is strengthening on the Ukrainian dairy products’ market. Time, when this market was filled only with Ukrainian and Russian goods, is gone. Practically all leading European companies are functioning in Ukraine today. At the same time, Ukrainian dairy plants and integrated plants are going to enter, – by themselves or supported with western investments, – foreign markets. Ukrainian producers are eager to receive certain per cents of European and CIS countries’ markets in order to get firmly fixed on them. Issues of investments and updating are now important for Ukrainian producers as never before; issue of business expansion is presently, as never before, important for European companies.
Event: IV All-Ukrainian Conference with International Participation DAIRY WORLD – 2007
Organizers: Derzhzovnishinform, Agrarika Ltd
Data: November 29-30, 2007
Format: 2 days
Positioning: representative forum for domestic and foreign professionals and experts who deal with milk production and processing
Audience: companies’ managers, business owners, investors, bankers, embassies’ employees, officials.
discussion of the situation formed on the dairy products’ markets, determining of the development strategy for the global dairy industry within next 2 seasons. Compiling of the Code of conduct rules for dairy markets’ participants in different countries with mutual interests taken into account.
Conference’s main topics:
Ukrainian and global industries of dairy products;
Condition of livestock husbandry, specifics of dairy husbandry’s development as the main source of dairy industry’s resources;
Ready dairy products’ markets, toughening of competition between market participants;
Necessity of dairy companies’ modernization and technical reequipment.
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