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11:04 As of Jan-Jul, agrarians lowered grains sales by 34%, down to 8.081 mn MT
10:07 Agrarians Jan-Jul wheat sales down 38%, to 3.709 mn MT
09:47 Agrarians Jan-Jul cattle sales down 6.7%, to 112,374 MT
09:24 As of Jan-Jul, agrarians raised cattle/poultry sales by 14%, up to 889,847 MT
14:16 Jun meat sales grew by 6.7%, up to 205,800 MT
14:39 Within Jan-May agrarians slowed sunseeds sale rates by 22.5%, down to 1,091.616 MT
13:42 Within Jan-May agrarians sagged rape sales by 19%, down to 36,280 MT
13:10 As of Jan-May, agrarians cut vegetables sales by 31%, down to 100,645 MT
12:35 As of Jan-May, agrarians boosted soybeans sales by 31%, up to 193,453 MT
11:14 As of Jan-May, agrarians grew potatoes sales by 8.4%, up to 58,659 MT
10:07 Agrarians Jan-May grapes sales up 57%, to 6,016 MT
14:51 Within Jan-May agrarians slowed sunoil sale rates by 48%, down to 4,814 MT
14:37 Agrarians Jan-May milk/dairy products sales up 1.5%, to 791,250 MT
13:07 As of Jan-May, agrarians lifted pigs sales by 26%, up to 130,417 MT
11:37 As of Jan-May, agrarians grew eggs sales by 1.7%, up to 3.396.154 mn
10:52 Agrarians Jan-May sugar sales up 18%, to 188,061 MT
10:04 Agrarians Jan-May poultry sales up 18%, to 415,364 MT
15:22 Within Jan-May agrarians reduced wheat sales by 51%, down to 2.045 mn MT
15:06 Within Jan-May agrarians grew barley sales by 9.6%, up to 1,140.420 MT
14:19 As of Jan-May, agrarians lowered grains sales by 42.5%, down to 4.961 mn MT
13:04 Agrarians Jan-May cattle sales down 7%, to 78,010 MT
12:10 As of Jan-May, agrarians raised cattle/poultry sales by 15.4%, up to 625,256 MT
10:53 As of Jan-May, agrarians lifted rye sales by 31.3%, up to 189,794 MT
09:26 Agrarians Jan-May maize sales down 55%, to 1.333 mn MT
15:48 Apr meat sales hoisted by 9.3%, up to 257,400 MT
11:52 As of Jan-Apr, agrarians cut vegetables sales by 36%, down to 68,862 MT
11:07 As of Jan-Apr, agrarians raised potatoes sales by 23%, up to 51,879 MT
10:04 Agrarians Jan-Apr grapes sales up 2,4 times, to 5,671 MT
15:38 Agrarians Jan-Apr sugar sales down 5%, to 135,007 MT
15:12 As of Jan-Apr, agrarians improved soybeans sales by 1.8%, up to 124,523 MT
14:57 Within Jan-Apr agrarians slackened sunseeds sales by 21%, down to 900,334 MT
14:10 Agrarians Jan-Apr rape sales down 46%, to 22,640 MT
13:17 Agrarians Jan-Apr sunoil sales down 48%, to 3,544 MT
12:24 Within Jan-Apr agrarians raised milk/dairy products sales by 2.9%, up to 589,373 MT
11:53 Agrarians Jan-Apr maize sales down 54%, to 1.163 mn MT
09:22 As of Jan-Apr, agrarians grew eggs sales by 4%, up to 2.751.153 mn
14:38 As of Jan-Apr, agrarians lowered grains sales by 44%, down to 4.127 mn MT
14:16 As of Jan-Apr, agrarians enhanced barley sales by 8.9%, up to 933,142 MT
13:42 Agrarians Jan-Apr wheat sales down 54%, to 1.668 mn MT
13:10 Agrarians Jan-Apr cattle sales down 9%, to 61,240 MT
13:04 As of Jan-Apr, agrarians boosted rye sales by 32%, up to 157,421 MT
11:53 As of Jan-Apr, agrarians lifted pigs sales by 19.6%, up to 100,878 MT
10:07 As of Jan-Apr, agrarians raised cattle/poultry sales by 15.5%, up to 498,428 MT
09:32 Agrarians Jan-Apr poultry sales up 20.5%, to 335,250 MT
09:14 Monsanto Files Reply Brief With U.S. Supreme Court
10:45 High-tech in the Manitoba potato patch
11:34 CNH Reports Impact of Retiree Drug Benefits Change
11:55 Landkom International Plc: Full year results
10:56 Cabinet to resume grains exporters VAT reimbursement through Agrarian Fund
12:03 Cabinet promulgated strategically important projects list
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