29.03.2010 |
15:36 |
Agrarians Jan-Feb potatoes sales averaged UAH2,243 per MT |
15:10 |
Agrarians Jan-Feb eggs sales averaged UAH538,2 per thousand |
14:53 |
In Jan-Feb agrarians sold milk/dairy products at average UAH3,023 per MT |
14:25 |
In Jan-Feb agrarians sold vegetables at average UAH4,666 per MT |
14:07 |
As of Jan-Feb, agrarians grew eggs sales by 2.7%, up to 1.374.444 mn |
13:57 |
EU - US dialogue on agriculture |
13:28 |
Indonesia Minister Says Nestle Has ‘Right’ to Cut Off Sinar Mas |
12:52 |
As of Jan-Feb, agrarians raised potatoes sales by 7%, up to 24,455 MT |
12:41 |
PÖTTINGER Terradisc Give the soil “life” |
12:06 |
Vietnam to help Chad improve food security |
11:36 |
Millions of people around the world depend on palm oil |
11:32 |
The Commission will act by the end of the year to reinforce the dairy sector |
10:54 |
State aid: Commission opens in-depth investigation into Finnish plans to grant temporary tax exemption for sales of agricultural land |
10:48 |
As of Jan-Feb, agrarians cut vegetables sales by 30%, down to 22,247 MT |
10:16 |
More agricultural product names registered |
09:37 |
Agrarians Jan-Feb milk/dairy products sales up 4%, to 258,522 MT |
09:22 |
Conference "What future for Milk?" on Friday, 26 March 2010. |

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